An unwanted meeting…?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Dogs (even more hunting dogs !!) are very attracted to wild animals at dusk, including porcupines and skunks! Very often, they are chased and in order to protect themselves, in contact with or near the dog, they will release his hair / urine.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
A skunk ...
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Ideally, work outside to prevent odors from entering the house; otherwise, at least consider isolating your coconut in a room to prevent the smell from spreading everywhere.
Do not let your clothes touch the parts of Fido's body that have been affected by the liquid. Better yet: if you can, dress in clothes you don't like anymore ...
Check your pet's eyes. If they are red or show signs of irritation, rinse them gently with lukewarm water.
If you suspect your pet has been sprayed into its mouth, or if your pet is salivating heavily, rinse it too.
Prepare the miracle recipe below then use it quickly.
Put on gloves and then apply this recipe to your pet's fur, all over and deeply, being careful not to get it in the eyes.
Leave everything to rest for at least 5 minutes in the coat before rinsing it well with plenty of (lukewarm) water.
Repeat if necessary.
If your pet has received a huge skunk spray or feels uncomfortable after bathing, notify your vet immediately.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Hydrogen peroxide is no longer effective if the bottle has been opened for a while (about a month). How to know? If the peroxide no longer bubbles, it is expired.
The recipe should not be made in advance, as it quickly loses its effectiveness.
Your spaniel's brown coat or the towels you dry it with might turn a little white from the peroxide.
Rather than making the recipe, you can purchase similar products like "Skunk-off" from your vet.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
1 liter of 3% hydrogen peroxide
¼ cup of baking soda
2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap. Add 1 liter of water if you have a large breed dog, just to cover the entire surface. Spread well over the entire coat and leave to act for a good 15 minutes then rinse. Repeat as needed.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Skunks can carry serious illnesses like rabies and leptospirosis. So check that your animal is vaccinated!
The mixture of peroxide and baking soda will oxidize the molecules of thiols - responsible for the pestilential odor which emanates from the skunk jet -, which are initially insoluble in water, and turn them into molecules which will be soluble in water: sulfonates.